Friday 24 April 2009

One Small Step....

Day three and I feel like Neil Armstrong. No, not a groundbreaking pioneer in any way, shape or form, but rather a guy in a big, puffy suit who's chuffed to bits if he can take a step.

All the prehab work to strengthen the leg appears to have paid dividends, because I actually feel like I can stand and even walk on the surgically-repaired leg. That I have yet to do so has everything to do with the big puffy suit that seems to be encasing my little ol' leg; at this juncture, it would seem to be foolhardy to push myself to walk sans crutches when my knee is the size of a small watermelon.

At the very least, however, I am trying to wind down the painkillers; I've found that taking two 500mg hits of Codeine four times a day has left me dopey, incredibly irritable, and bunged up something awful. Actually, there might be something of a correlation between those last two.

In any event, I have taken the dosage down to one 500 mg tablet so far today, though I might take two this evening one last time. So far, the discomfort hasn't been noticably greater than it was on two; it's the size of the knee that's the issue at the moment. Hopefully the swelling will start to recede in a few days, and then I really can start to think about taking one small step.

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