Thursday, 23 April 2009


I woke up today with the knee looking like the size of a small melon and feeling all "slushy" inside. Yikes. I took some painkiller straight away, and while it seemed to do the trick, it also sent me off to La-La land. I slept most of the morning, which was particularly impressive given that we've had workmen in all day installing a quartz countertop in the kitchen.

I made it outside in the afternoon, however, and have kept up with the rehab exercises. I am pleased to be able to put as much weight on the leg as I can; standing up with no crutches and equal weight on each leg is, I think, possible, though it is premature to try just 48 hours after the surgery.

At this juncture, the biggest challenge is getting the swelling down; I think that once that's accomplished, I'll be able to make some good, quick progress.

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