Tuesday, 5 May 2009

The Second Milestone

If ditching the crutches were the first milestone on the road to recovery, I've passed the second today as the stitches (well, clips, actually) were taken out of my knee, two weeks to the day after surgery. It's a small thing, really, but they were really beginning to pinch when the joint was bending, so it was clearly time.

While I suppose I am making progress, in many ways- both figurative and literal- it feels like I'm trudging through molasses. I think it's one of those cases where daily progress is imperceptible, but in aggregate I am moving forwards. I only ditched the crutches eight days ago, and I recall quite clearly that walking without them was more of an effort than it is now.

I see the ortho and the physical therapist in a couple of days, when I'll get a more objective take on my progress thus far. Until then, all I can do is keep at the exercises.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

The Little Things

It's a dozen days since the surgery, and I'm still not exactly Usain Bolt. Sure, I can walk about, but after more than 100 yards or so and it starts to get a bit uncomfortable. To be sure, the swelling is way down, which is of course a good thing. But while I am sure the internal mechanics of the joint are improving every day, as of yet I haven't noticed much improvement.

What is perhaps most irksome, however, are the little things to do with the surgery. I have a massive bruise on the inside of my knee, which makes it uncomfortable to sleep in any position other than on my back, something I rarely do. And the stitches are really beginning to irritate me; I can feel them pulling my skin whenever I try and flex the kn ee to any degree whatsoever.

While there's not much I can do about the bruise, or indeed the inflexibility of the knee, other than wait it out, at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel vis-a-vis the stitches; they're supposed to come out on Tuesday the 5th, the two-week anniversary of the surgery. It may only be a little thing, but hopefully it will make the knee feel a bit better, which is surely cause for cheer.